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I-9 And E-Verify Assistance

Immigration Compliance & Worksite Enforcement

Employers are required to verify the employment eligibility and identity of all US-based workers hired after November 6, 1986. This is done by completing Employment Eligibility Verification forms (Forms I-9) for all employees, including US citizens. Employers who hire or continue to employ individuals knowing that they are not authorized to be employed in the United States may face civil and criminal penalties. Employers may use E-Verify, an Internet-based system, that will allow it to compare information from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data from US Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration records to confirm employment eligibility.

  • We will work closely with you to understand your corporate structure, review procedures, and optimize your compliance program to achieve best practices.
  • We offer I-9 and E-Verify advice and services to promote compliance with legal requirements for verifying the employment eligibility of your workforce. We can help you navigate the complex I-9 requirements and the intricacies of the E-Verify system.
  • We have extensive experience defending employers against federal government audits and inspections.

Contact us to see how we can assist you comply with the stringent requirements of US Immigration Law when you hire foreign nationals.